Notez que le parc animalier, le parc aquatique et le parc des manèges demeurent ouverts et prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré la grève illimitée. Nous sommes conscients que la grève aura de légers impacts sur l'expérience de nos visiteurs. Consultez la page Info Grève pour voir la liste de ces changements mineurs à la programmation.

<p>70 years of passion: <br />Paul Labrecque</p>

70 years of passion:
Paul Labrecque

70th anniversary

Initially a member of the Board of Directors of the Zoo de Granby after working in the tourism industry, 

Paul Labrecque joined the Zoo as a customer service employee. Over the years, he progressed through various departments and eventually found his place at the Foundation, becoming its very first director. Watch the video below to learn more about his journey.

70 years of passion: Paul Labrecque (In french)

Meet the team! #70e