Notez que le parc animalier, le parc aquatique et le parc des manèges demeurent ouverts et prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré la grève illimitée. Nous sommes conscients que la grève aura de légers impacts sur l'expérience de nos visiteurs. Consultez la page Info Grève pour voir la liste de ces changements mineurs à la programmation.

<p>Conservation and research</p>

Conservation and research

Acting for the preservation of the animal world in Québec and elsewhere around the globe.

The Zoo de Granby is a conservation organization that works to protect and valorize our biodiversity. Its conservation professionals are involved in initiatives targeting indigenous species, as well as exotic species around the globe, in collaboration with various partners. With a combined investment of more than $200 million CDN in nearly 2,500 projects dedicated to the protection of animal species, accredited zoos, like the Zoo de Granby, are essential allies in the fight against species extinction.


Our scientists are involved in numerous projects, both here and around the world, to better understand the biology and behaviour of many animal species threatened by human activities. Their efforts contribute to the protection of our biodiversity.


In addition to working directly in the field, the Zoo financially supports the initiatives of some fifteen conservation organizations in ten countries around the world to save endangered species. It also collaborates with some forty partners who are dedicated to the protection of our flora and fauna.

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The Zoo de Granby is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation, education and well-being of animals. By contributing to its mission, you're supporting projects to preserve the animal world and their habitats in Quebec and around the globe.