Notez que le parc animalier, le parc aquatique et le parc des manèges demeurent ouverts et prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré la grève illimitée. Nous sommes conscients que la grève aura de légers impacts sur l'expérience de nos visiteurs. Consultez la page Info Grève pour voir la liste de ces changements mineurs à la programmation.

The Lodge

The Lodge

Authentic and spectacular, the Lodge invites you into the very heart of the African savannah.

Considered one of the highlights of the Africa trails circuit, the Lodge offers a 180-degree view overlooking the African savannah and borders the habitat of the lord of the savannah, the African lion. The magnificent backdrop, enhanced by lush, dense vegetation, provides the perfect setting for your most beautiful celebrations. Whether it's a cocktail party or a sunset dinner, your guests will definitely be mesmerized.

Number of seats 120

Number of standing places 250

Area 3,600 sq. ft.

Availability Spring, Summer and Autumn

Services available

  • Square table
  • Tablecloths, chairs and cutlery
  • Bar
  • Background music
  • WIFI
  • Coat room / parking


The Zoo de Granby is a not-for-profit organization. By holding your event at the Zoo, you are directly supporting the Zoo's mission and initiatives in animal well-being and nature conservation.

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