Notez que le parc animalier, le parc aquatique et le parc des manèges demeurent ouverts et prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré la grève illimitée. Nous sommes conscients que la grève aura de légers impacts sur l'expérience de nos visiteurs. Consultez la page Info Grève pour voir la liste de ces changements mineurs à la programmation.

Recovery of bats in Québec

Recovery of bats in Québec
Project in nature
$20 000 and more


Threatened by white-nose syndrome, the loss of their habitat and the destruction of their roosts, bats need our help. They are key players in all the world's terrestrial ecosystems and help control insect populations, including those considered harmful to farming and the forestry industry.


The Zoo de Granby, with its extensive expertise, is committed to the long-term conservation of bats. We'll continue to acquire knowledge through recurrent monitoring of dormitories and targeted acoustic inventories. We'll also continue our collaborative approach with pest management professionals through consultation and training activities. By 2023, the Green Mountains region (in the Eastern Townships and Montérégie-Est) will be a priority for the Zoo and its collaborators in the context of a major conservation program. 


In our winter shelter, dozens of bats have been welcomed each year since 2016. The Zoo de Granby is one of only three such shelters in Québec. Myths and misinformation unfortunately tend to stick to bats. This is why several efforts have been made over the years to inform and assist the public: direct assistance when bats are found injured or in homes, media presence, creation of educational panels and awareness tools for targeted audiences, etc.

Neighbourhood Bat Watch

If you have bats in your home, you can contribute to the research by registering the colony on the Bats Watch website. The site also contains a lot of practical information on how to learn more about bats and how to help them.

Help us protect them!

Granby Zoo is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation, education and well-being of animals. By contributing to its mission, you're supporting projects to preserve the animal world and their habitats in Quebec and around the globe.